Monday 9 April 2012

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Audience feed back!

After me and my group had finished the completed tasks, i uploaded them to Facebook so i could receive audience feedback. The audience feedback has helped me to change certain aspects of the tasks.

For my newspaper i noticed that people viewing the advert found it hard to read as the text was overlaying the image. With the text and image being black it was hard for the audience to read the documentary title. With this in mind, me and my group went back to editing the newspaper. We firstly moved the text away from the image and made the text bigger, making it easier and clearer to read.

Sunday 1 April 2012

Finished Documentary

This is the final documentary, we have tried to keep to the original conventions of a documentary. We have used the jump cut technique, this technique is only used in a few documentaries i have seen in my research.

Editing the Documentary

Me and Faraz were left to do the editing whilst the other two group member did other things. Unfortunately I'm not to good with technology so big parts of editing was left to Faraz, i tried to help as much as i could with things to do with music trimming an transitions. I also helped to keep the quality the same throughout the documentary.

We first had to change the brightness and contrast of the footage we had recorded, this was due to the quality being distorted bluetoothing footage from laptop to mac. We tried just editing the distorted footage, however this was noticeable against none edited parts. So we decided to change all the footage's  brightness so there would be no footage that stood out. We tried to keep each bit of footage the same contrast and brightness, i think we got there in the end. Even if it did take a while!

The next thing that we wanted to edit was the archive footage we tried getting off youtube, unfortunately we weren't able to do this due to copyright laws. So instead we used still images of music videos instead of the music and video. We had to edit these pictures so that they fit with the voice over perfectly. We had to edit the music by trimming it, changing the parts around, shortening it and making it fade out at the end of the image sequence. This in all took at least two weeks to complete as each image had to be cropped and just as we thought we had finished one image wasn't timed correctly, so consequently we had to start the process again as the images finished before the music.

We have edited the beginning of the documentary in the jump cut style. We both thought that this style would suit our documentary best as this techniques gives a mysterious feel to documentaries when being watched. I believe that the jump cut technique has added extra mystery to our documentary as you Dont see Faraz walk towards the camera but you dont see him walk down the steps he just appears infront of the camera to give insite of the documentary.

Music used for the Documentary film

Me and Faraz have decided that we should keep the same music running through out the film, this was so the music didn't become the main focus of the documentary. We made the music even quieter than the radio ad so that it could just be heard, we wanted the audience to focus more on what was being said and to view the images that were associated with the voice over.

after we created our documentary, we bot realised we didn't have any music for the beginning of the extract, we tried creating something on garage band, but with limited music available this was impossible to do. So we decided to use classical or opera. We started searching for music that could be used, we tried using music from Mozart as this kept to the Freemason/Illuminati theme. Unfortunately we didn't find anything suitable.

 We needed something that changed tempo and dynamics, so we looked for composers that are considered the most intense composers of the 1800s. Composers such as Beethoven and Wagner.
As a classical musician, i have played many pieces of operas and classical music. And suggested using Richard Wagner's Overtures from his many operas. First we came up with this.

This has some of the techniques we were looking for, such as key change, dynamic change and tempo change. We both felt however that this music wasn't mysterious enough for the part we needed. We also need parts of music that were accented and powerful outbursts for when the "Illuminatum" title appears. I then suggested we try looking for music from the opera Götterdämmerung especially siegfried funeral march, has all the things we needed to finish the documentary.
We used garage band to cut the parts we needed out, we then used theses cut out parts to layered on to the moving image at the beginning of the extract.

Saturday 24 March 2012

Which paper will this be advertised?

I believe that this newspaper advert should be printed in The Guardian, The Sun and Metro. This would allow the documentary to gather audiences from both class backgrounds and different age groups. By advertising in the metro means it will catch people on the go as Metro is distributed on public transport, with our QR codes, twitter and facebook page also allows people to set reminders and do little bits of research just by scanning the QR code with their Iphone and look at facebook page using mobile internet. This will also generate advertising as people can share the advert using these social networking sites.


Friday 23 March 2012

Our Final Newspaper

This is the final newspaper ad. We tried 4 ads and asked people which one they liked, this was the most liked so we decided to create this one.
We need an image that represents the Illuminati so we researched symbolism and came up with a triangle. As the secretes of this organisation are become known and questioned i made the triangle become deformed using photoshop, this made it look like the organisation it's self was crumbling away.   

The text was also thought through for quite a long time, we wanted something to represent the age of The Order Of The Illuminti. The text we used uses quite angular text so the "A" looks like a triangle, we decided to use this font for that very reason. It helps link the newspaper advert wi the topic.
The text used in this adverts is the same text used throughout our three tasks, the text was created using Dafont this site allows you to choose texts appropriate to documentaries, films and stories.