Wednesday 22 February 2012

Drop Out!

As we couldn't get an interview with a Dr from any university we decided to arrange an interview with an Religious Education teacher from The North East Wolverhampton Academy.
We decided to initially use Nikki Man as an expert due to her RE background, she also told us that she has visited many Freemason Halls and attended many in Italy and other countries.  
 We set up an interview with her this afternoon, however i received an email from Nikki this morning saying she couldn't be apart of the documentary, i found this a bit odd as she didn't explain why.  


hi mat,

i am so so so sorry but I'm going to have to drop out from the documentary. I feel really bad for letting you down at such short notice but i hope you will understand that i wouldn't do so without good reason. Please don't kill me!

thanks for your understanding,
Miss Mann   

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Problems with filming!

During the filming of our introduction we had a few problems with a few things, as we were using the exterior of the school, bells and children were major problems. Just as we started filming the bell rang for the end of lessons so had to cut and wait for the children to get to there other rooms. This meant we wasted at least 20 minutes of filming. 

During our interviews which we set up in the drama room, we had year 7 keep knocking the door or just walking in meaning that we had to stop filming again and wait for them to leave. This meant that we could only fit two interviews in a filming day as the interviewees either had lessons or were teaching.


We started filming on the 27th January, we had a few problems to begin with. As we were filming outside the art block we had children walking past getting to lessons and the noise from the bell. We had to wait until the lessons to begin to start filming again. 
This part of the film was the opening introduction to our documentary.

31st January: On the 31st we wanted to have a run through of the  interviews to see how it would look, however the drama room was currently being used by the AS group. Due to this i went to write up a history script for Faraz to speak about after the title sequence. Nazir and Josh composed a questionnaire for people to fill in to gather information for people to fill in.

  The second part of our filming on the 7th was filming for our interviews. This took place in the drama room at the Northwood Campus where we could use the lighting and dark room to give the interviews a professional look. We came up with 5 questions to ask the interviewees. The first interviewee was a student from North East Wolverhampton Academy, who didn't have any worries or have enough evidence to agree or disagree with the case of the illuminati  

Thursday 2 February 2012

Jump Cut Techniques

Me and my group have decided to use the jump cut method, i think this will add a professional finish to the documentary we are creating. This and the subject (Illuminati/Freemason) will make the documentary more surreal.

This video is the first film to use jump cut, this shows the idea we have and how we want to use this technique.