Thursday 10 November 2011

Music That Could Be Used

As my documentary is based on the Illuminati, i believe it need to be dark or mysterious. The music used could be from any era (baroque to modern) and any language.

This music would be great to use in an Illuminati documentary as its dark and written in Latin, this music ties in with the Illuminati as it was written around the same time the Illuminate was created.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Roles of the team members

Director- Mathew Blackham
Presenter/ Narrator- Faraz
Co-Director-Cameraman-Expert- Josh
Co-Director-Cameraman/-Expert- Nazir

As Director, i will have the final say about the content of the documentary, if i like ideas put forward to me from other team members i will allow it to be filmed, if i think the ideas aren't good enough to be in the documentary i will try to improve the idea myself so that the my team members ideas are included.

Friday 4 November 2011

The History of The Illuminati

The first Illuminati group was created in May 1776 in Bavaria by Adam Weishaupt.
The idea of this group was to rid Europe of Monarchy and State religions, this would be done using spies and counter-spies in European Countries.
 The early Illuminati contained fee-thinkers such as poets, scientists and teachers, a spring off the Enlightenment which seems to have similarities with the Freemason's.

Who are they?
There are several groups that take the name Illuminati, but the one we will be focusing on is the group bound in secrecy and conspiracy theories. This group allegedly masterminds the world through Governments and corporations to create a new world order. The Illuminati have been accused of causing the French Revolution (1789-1799 and the Reign of Terror (1793-1794)

Modern Illuminati 
 Several groups have now started as the "heirs" of the 18th Century organisation, they all use the name Illuminati or some form of Variation.

Myron Coureval Fagan was an American writer, producer and director who devoted his later years in finding evidence into international conspiracy theories such as the assassination of J.F. Kennedy, Battle Of Waterloo, The French Revolution and Communism in the New World.

Music Industry  
There has been accusations of Music Artists and Composers being part of the Illuminati, early composers such as Ludwig Beethoven and Wolfgang Mozart. Mozart's "Magic flute" opera is one of the most  questioned piece of music in history. 

This phrase appears in Mozart's Magic flute and critics have claimed that this mimics a Freemason's initiation ceremony and the knock to enter. Mozart's music could be used in my documentary as all the evidence links him to the Freemason/Illuminati groups.   

Pop artists such as Jay-Z have been question about being a member of the Illuminati due to his lyric choices and videos.

Rhianna has been questioned in the last few years due to her video for S&M, in this song she calls herself "The Princess Of The Illuminati"  
This video is linked with the Illuminati due to the use of symbolism and lyrics, supposedly Rhianna uses hidden images that can only be seen when her videos are slowed down or rewound.  

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Return of Josh

After a few weeks Josh(member of the group that left) decided to carry on doing media, instead of splitting in to our original groups, we thought it would be easier for the four of to work as one team. We chose this decision as we had already started planning our documentary.

Saturday 1 October 2011

Use Of Music in Documentaries

Music is used in documentaries to portray the mood of characters in a documentary. Each genre of documentaries use different types of music. For example in BBC documentaries there will not be any lyrics or popular music, instead there will only be instrumental or synthetic sound, in most of their documentaries classical composers such as Mozart's Requiem or Beethoven's Fur Elise.

In Conspiracy Documentaries the use of music is slightly different. Depending on the subject of the conspiracy means certain music should be used. In Illuminati conspiracies music such as Rap and Artists that are related to Illuminati will be used. The Illuminati is a mysterious subject to talk about so the music must be the same. 

Friday 30 September 2011


After me and Faraz decided on creating a documentary on "The Life Of A Druggie" we decided to allow Nazir to join our group as his group member (Josh) decided he didn't want to do the course anymore. This left us with a dilemma as he had created an idea about a documentary exploring the Illuminati in the music industry. We decided that we would need to have a discussion so that we could decide on which documentary to do, The Life of a Druggie? or The Illuminati?  


This was our discussion after our regrouping, here we spoke about all of our ideas and decided that the Illuminati would be the most interesting as it is a subject that isn't attempted so often.

Thursday 29 September 2011

10 Most popular documentaries of 2010

1. Inside Job - Financial Meltdown
2.  Cat Fish
3. Fat, sick and nearly Dead - Health Documentary
4. Cave of Forgotten dreams - Evolution
5. The People Vs George Lucas - Courtroom debate
6. Senna - Brazilian Racing car driver
7. Waste Land - Human Spirit
8. Exit Trough the Gift shop - Banksy
9. Jackass 3D - Stunt show
10. Waiting for Superman - Education

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Documentary Genres

  •  Animated Documentaries - combines the genres of animation and documentary
  • Ethnographic Film -  documentary related to the methods of ethnology Digital Storytelling - people with their own tools who make a story about how they live
  • Docudrama - is a documentary style that features dramatized re-enactments of actual historical events a few example are THe kings speech and The Social Network.

  •  Ethnofiction - a mixture of documentary and fiction film in the area of visual anthropology
  • Mockumentary -  where fictitious events are presented in documentary format

  •  Nature Documentary - a wildlife documentary, about animals, the world and anything about nature
  • Reality Film - films which have resulted from reality television
  • Travel Documentary - documentary that describes travel in general or tourist attractions in a non-commercial way
  • Visual Sociology - explores sociology in society so families, work ethics, people's lifestyles etc.  

Monday 26 September 2011

The History of Documentaries

Late 18th early 19th Century
In the early 1900’s documentaries were used to capture specific events and moments. Things such as a train entering a tunnel, people leaving work and a boat docking were most popular. This type of filming was known as actuality filming.

Between 1898-1901 a Romanian professor created 7 documentaries on Neurology. All these 7 documentaries have been preserved as they are some of the earliest documentaries created.
1920-1940 In the late 20’s and 40’s documentaries were used to persuade audiences point of view. Most documentaries in the UK focused on the world war and effect on the public. In Germany, documentaries were seen as a good propaganda tool, as Adolf Hitler commissioned many which range from the rise of the Nazis to stereotyping its enemies.
60’s-70’sDocumentaries took a dramatic change during this time, instead of producing scientific and wildlife documentaries, film makers focused of political warfare. One of the most famous political documentaries is Chile: A special Report, this helped a generation overthrow its government and replace it with army rule.
Modern DayAnalysts have seen an increase of film documentaries being produced and shown in cinema’s. This may be down to documentaries being far cheaper to make than films, but bring in higher profits. An example of a box office sensation is March Of The Penguins as it grossed over $127,000 world wide it was later released on DVD where profits soared.

Saturday 24 September 2011

Trailers And Documentaries

Trailers were first used in cinemas to advertise upcoming films. However, they were shown at the end of every film credits, by this time the audience had already left the cinema. The decision was made to show trailers at the beggining so that the audience would see them.

A trailer tells the story in a matter of minutes.  They usually consist of three parts, beginning –middle-end. Most trailers have a voice over to tell the story and help the audience follow the plot. Voice over’s normally done by famous actors such as Morgan Freeman. Whilst the trailer is running often you will hear music in the background, this helps set the mood of the film and helps the audience understand the mindset of particular characters.

There are many documentaries that vary from conspiracy theories, wildlife and hard hitting programmes such as alcoholism and drug taking.
Documentaries can be made in so many different ways, one of these is re-enactment. Producers often choose to use this type of filming as it helps the audience imagine what is happening an example of this is Osama Bin Laden- Shoot to kill. this showed the build up to Osama’s death with accounts from the President Of The USA, Navy Seals and White House Officials.

Friday 23 September 2011

At the start of the course we were given 15 briefs to look at, we had to choose one of these to focus on. 
 The brief me and Faraz decided we would focus on was brief 7.

An extract from an original documentary TV programme, lasting approximately five minutes, together with two of the following three options:  

  •  a radio trailer for the documentary; 
  • a double-page spread from a listings magazine focused on the documentary; 
  •  a newspaper advertisement for the documentary.