Saturday 24 September 2011

Trailers And Documentaries

Trailers were first used in cinemas to advertise upcoming films. However, they were shown at the end of every film credits, by this time the audience had already left the cinema. The decision was made to show trailers at the beggining so that the audience would see them.

A trailer tells the story in a matter of minutes.  They usually consist of three parts, beginning –middle-end. Most trailers have a voice over to tell the story and help the audience follow the plot. Voice over’s normally done by famous actors such as Morgan Freeman. Whilst the trailer is running often you will hear music in the background, this helps set the mood of the film and helps the audience understand the mindset of particular characters.

There are many documentaries that vary from conspiracy theories, wildlife and hard hitting programmes such as alcoholism and drug taking.
Documentaries can be made in so many different ways, one of these is re-enactment. Producers often choose to use this type of filming as it helps the audience imagine what is happening an example of this is Osama Bin Laden- Shoot to kill. this showed the build up to Osama’s death with accounts from the President Of The USA, Navy Seals and White House Officials.

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