Monday 30 January 2012


We originally planned and set dates to film 3 interviews for our documentary these were with a student, actress and a professor or teacher. The group sent emails to local universities, we had one reply but the lecturer Dr Mark Jones of Wolverhampton University was unable to help as he didn't know much about the topic in general.
Email Sent :-  

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 12:06:05
Subject: Inquiry For Documentary

Good Afternoon Dr Jones,

I am an A2 Media Studies student at The NEW Academy and my team and I are currently producing a documentary on the Illuminati. The purpose of this email is to enquire whether yourself or another lecturer would be happy to be interviewed with your views on the subject for our documentary.

Alternatively, if you have a contact of someone who is interested in the Illuminati conspiracy or could voice their opinion, it would really be of help.

My teacher, Zoe Lynch, is a former student of Media and Cultural Studies and she recommended that I contact you as you may have information or may be interested.

I hope you can help us in this matter.

Kind Regards,

Faraz Rafiq 
Email Received  
-----Original Message-----
From: "Jones, Mark" 
Sent: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 14:49:30
Subject: RE: Inquiry For Documentary

Hi Faraz,

apologies for delay - I'm in the middle of marking and the start of the new semester.

I'm afraid I can't be any help. I only really have a superficial knowledge of the topic, and don't think I'd be any use in your documentary. I used to know one academic expert on the Illuminati, but I've discovered that he's now moved to the US. I've asked a colleague in History who has researched underground organisations, but he too has very little knowledge of either the original Illuminati, or the various groups since associated with it.

Good luck with your work, and sorry I couldn't be more helpful.


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