Friday 23 March 2012

Conventions Of Newspaper Adverts

There are some convention f newspaper adverts that me and my group must stick too, these things are:

  • Image- The image must be relevant to the subject being advertised. 
  • Logo- Of the company e.g. Channel 4 or Coca-Cola
  • Slogans- Slogans don't necessarily have to be used, however these make the audience engage with the advert and are used to help the audience remember the ad. 
  • Description- The description is usually about the subject being advertised, such as films. For a film the description would be the cast, story outline and date released. 
This advert for channel 4 uses some of the conventions of newspaper adverts. This ad uses the "4" logo, gives a brief description on the subject of the documentary "a season on the care system" It also uses an image that is tied into the title, however if i saw the image without the text i would have thought that the documentary was on something completely different. This shows how powerful the use of photography has become in advertisements. 
This Newspaper uses the image to independently
tell a story and to inform the audience what this documentary is about. Even if the Title was not at the bottom, the audience would still know that its about gun crime or violence.
This is a more powerful way to catch audiences eyes, than having lines of words dotted around the image, which people don't read when on their travels.

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