Thursday 22 March 2012

Music for my Radio advert.

This morning me and Faraz worked on creating music to be used for our Advert. We both decided that as the music needed to be based on the subject itself. As a musician i know different types of genres and history of music. I suggested that the music should be choral, this fits in with the music which was around when the Illuminati was started in the 18th century.
 This "Choral" genre is associated with religion, as many academics and the majority of the public believe that the Illuminati and the Freemasons are religions, i thought this would be a good way to tie this into our documentary.

I believe that this music gives the documentary are more mysterious feel, this isn't just down to the voices with the pieces, but the dull pedal notes which accompany the choral music.

The music which we created using garage band is choral music, this genre of music is mysterious as its written and sung in Latin which most people don't understand. The music we created was too overpowering, so we changed the volume levels and cut away at the piece3 of music so that Faraz's voice could still be heard when the two were layered together.

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